Sunday 14 March 2010

Chrome TV / - yet more competition for Blinkx...

I installed the Chrome TV extension (aka app) yesterday, watched BBC Question Time on it last night. Not the most attractive app in the world but it does the job. Clicked through on the link provided to the site of the people that built it,

Yet more competition for Blinkx, by the look of it. Maybe if Blinkx as a company hadn't wasted so much time on its fruitless quest for Miva; maybe if they'd done what I thought they should have and run some TV ads (during the recession, while airtime was cheap) to build the brand and increase penetration; maybe if the company CEO hadn't spent so much time swanning around the world stroking his ego at industry conferences but had focussed instead on doing deals and delivering for shareholders; maybe if they'd released a Facebook app or an iPhone widget or shown any indication at all that they had a bloody clue about modern digital media or any kind of a B2C strategy; maybe if they'd been honest and open with shareholders and the markets instead of paranoid and secretive - maybe if they'd done some or all of that Blinkx could have captured and secured the online TV high ground and have defended it from the swarm of competitors now appearing - instead of looking ever more irrelevant, which is what's happening now...

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