Sunday, 1 November 2009

Blinkx attempts to crash the music video party

October 31, 2009 kcherniawski Leave a comment Go to comments
YouTube has been the main source of free, easy-to-access, music videos on the internet for the past couple of years. In fact, I was listening to music from YouTube when I came across this article. According to MySpace, things are about to change.

MySpace has just announced that Blinkx Music Videos portal will be available on their website. Suranga Chandratillake testifies that, “There are hundreds of thousands of music videos available on the Web today which makes it nearly impossible to navigate and find what you are looking for,” as evidence for this need for a Hulu-based system for music. Having indexed more than 30,000 hours of music from 10,000 artists, this seems like it could prove useful for the RW culture, without having record companiesconstantly trying to claim right to their music.

Despite the competition this has with Vevo and Google’s to-be-announced idea similar to Blinkx, this looks promising for the people who use YouTube to listen to music. They may have the chance to use a more organized and better system of a music library.

-Kevin Cherniawski


Comment: I still think the music site looks like shit, even if they do seem to have got the search working so that now when you search for, say, 'Metallica' you actually get some results. But getting it in front of MySpace's large (if dwindling) number of users has got to make sense. Index the content, then get that index in front of the largest number of people possible to monetise it.

Just a shame that Chandratillake seems totally incapable of doing the deal to do the same with the main index of 35m+ (some rumours say as much as 50m) hours of content. Where's the deal partnering with Yahoo to put those tens of millions of hours in front of the Yahoo's hundreds of millions of users? Now that would be game-changing -but that might take a player with rather more clout than the guy who totally b0ll0xed the 'bid' for Miva...

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