Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Blinkx launches mobile video search site

Blinkx has launched a mobile version of its video search service.

Users can access the video aggregator’s mobile video search from any phone with a web browser that can play MP4s, including the iPhone, Google Nexus One, HTC Desire and Magic and Blackberry Bold 9700 devices.

Blinkx has adapted its home page for use on mobiles, displaying a blinkx video wall of nine thumbnails of the top stories from around the web, one-click category browsing and a large central search bar...

from New Media Age


Comment: Exellent news, of course - but according to some shareholders who claim to have been there, didn't Chandratillake say at the last AGM that Blinkx weren't that interested in mobile as he didn't think there was much money there?

So - if those reported comments are true, and we only have the word of some anonymous posters on a bulletin board that they are - was Chandratillake lying to shareholders, or did he change his mind? And if the latter, was it, I wonder, because of the consistent criticism from this blog for Blinkx's lack of mobile ambitions?

And if that is true, maybe he'll take this piece of advice too: resign, and make way for someone who can deliver shareholder value, someone who has a clue...

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