Friday, 14 May 2010

babble on the bulletin boards

This from 'citytrade' on iii

"on my guestimates blinkx rev will be $30mill with profits of 1c per share.

If correct the sp will rise rapidly on news, possibly 26p+ next week.

this is because the business model is proven.

But I've called this badly over 2 years.

I also dont share the view that Suranga Chandratillake is bad, he presents full of integrity a prerequisite for business, & I'd rather have someone young and enthusiastic than aged and cynical.

I've noticed a conscious campaign to attack him begun by one person and which spread, I assume to drive the sp do

next week could be good."

The first serious suggestion I've seen that Blinxk will post any kind of profit next Wednesday - and almost certainly wrong. Any hint of profit or break-even (which we were promised was 'very close' back in early 2008 - remember?) would undoubtedly have required an RNS to notify the markets. Quite blatant ramping...

As for "I've noticed a conscious campaign to attack him begun by one person" - who can he mean?

And he's dead wrong. I started 'attacking' Chandratillake - which I would prefer to describe as questioning his business strategy, abilities and actions, with plenty of evidence to back up my view (the Miva fiasco, the Blinkbox fiasco, the total lack of clarity or communication with shareholders and markets, the failure to buy any shares to support his own company) - precisely because the share price dropped relentlessly, not to drive it down.



  1. Citytrade is as dumb as a fucking rock. And everyone on the boards knows it. He is a complete fucking jackass.

  2. I can not for the life of me get over what a complete fucking idiot Citytrade is. This moronic fool will simply not SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    The guy knows NOTHING yet he keeps on blathering. I suppose I am as big a fool for reading his dribble. My cross to bear...

  3. 25.90p, right now.

    Man, what an idiot...
