Sounds pretty bloody desperate to me, coming as it will the day after Lloyds reduced their holding in Blinkx: so much for the argument used by some delusional shareholders that everything must be all right because the big holders aren't selling out. What have they got to say now? Well?
Inviting Goldman Sachs to take an interest in your company is like inviting a turkey to take an interest in Christmas. If they think Blinkx looks like an attractive fleecing (sorry, investment) opportunity they'll buy in, ramp the stock up and then sell out and we'll be right back where we were - and then they'll do it all again.
What this company needs is fucking NEWS, not the totally useless, utterly clueless CEO standing up to puff his ego at yet another bloody industry schmoozefest. How is it that he can spend as much time as it takes to travel the world talking to anyone who will listen about what a great bloody businessman he is, yet he can't take the time to update his own fucking shareholders about what he is doing (or failing to do) with THEIR company?
Think I'm making it up about Goldman Sachs? Just google 'Goldman Sachs vampire squid' and you'll get lots of interesting reading. Like this, for example...
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