Monday, 18 January 2010

Analyst: Apple may dump Google off iPhone for Microsoft’s Bing

"Some analysts believe the Apple-Google battle is likely to get much rougher in the months ahead," Peter Burrows reports for BusinessWeek. "Jonathan Yarmis, research fellow with the consulting firm Ovum, thinks Apple may soon decide to dump Google as the default search engine on its devices, primarily to cut Google off from mobile data that could be used to improve its advertising and Android technology. Jobs might cut a deal with—gasp!—Microsoft to make Bing Apple's engine of choice, or even launch its own search engine, says Yarmis. 'I fully expect [Apple] to do something in search,' he adds. 'If there's all these advertising dollars to be won, why would it want Google on its iPhones?'"...

from MacDailyNews


Comment: "...or even launch its own search engine" Hmmm - you want video search with that, sir?

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