Blinkx, a video search company, creates some stylish order around the vast video haul. Blinkx bills itself as the world's largest video search engine and says it has indexed more video, audio and TV shows on the Web than anyone: 35 million hours of it. Chief Executive Suranga Chandratillake figures that's about two-thirds of the video content online. The other third is mostly locked up, requiring payment or passwords to view it."
Comment: "How Blinkx aims to become the Google of video." Well Blinkx has one thing in common with Google - they are both yet to make a profit from video search...
And that picture of Chandratillake? Confirms everything I've ever thought - the guy is too f**king laid-back by half, you ask me...
On the upside, good to see an article on Forbes. Maybe it will attract the attention of a predator (MS, Google, Yahoo, News Corp), which is the only way investors are going to see a return anytime soon...
keep it going HAC we need people like you :)