Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Bye-bye Blinkx Music (part the latest)

Hulu Tries a Little More Music, This Time From Warner Music

Once upon a time, Hulu flirted with the notion of becoming a hub for music videos. That never happened, and now the big music labels are trying to create their own Hulu, via their Vevo site.

But Hulu is still playing around with music videos, at least at the margins. Last month, it began hosting some clips from EMI, which was promoting a new Norah Jones album. Now the site, owned by GE’s (GE) NBC, Disney’s (DIS) ABC, and News Corp.’s (NWS) Fox is adding a few more, via Warner Music Group (WMG).

Emphasis on “few”: For now, the only Warner artist you can find on the site is Muse, which is a band, I learned this weekend. The label’s release says you’ll be able to see clips from Jason Mraz and Paramore in the next few weeks, with more coming next year. (Props to CNET’s Greg Sandoval for sniffing this out earlier today)...

Comment: Once again I'll ask the question - why did Blinkx go to the time and trouble building Blinkx Music to do absolutely nothing with it? As far as I'm aware they've licensed it to nobody, haven't promoted it, it's doing hardly any traffic... So why bloody bother?

And once again the wider question is: if they have done something with it or are going to do something with it, don't shareholders deserve to be told?

And an even more fundamental question - if Blinkx has a good story to tell - why the hell aren't they telling it?

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