[click for larger image - and note use of the word 'mockup']
Some bulletin board haunters were getting terribly excited at the prospect of an iPhone app from Blinkx.
Well, the Apple developers' conference came and went, and the new iPhone OS was released last Wednesday (tethering: awesome!), and no sign of anything Blinkx-related at all.
Of course, if there had been any such development, ordinarily there would need to have been an official announcement RNS: but such is Blinkx's total incompetence at PR and news management that actually the absence of such an announcement is hardly conclusive one way or another. This is a company which consistently displays utter contempt for its shareholders (its small shareholders, certainly) in what news it chooses to release - only fair, I suppose, since so many small shareholders have utter contempt for Blinkx management. The important difference, of course, is that we own the company, and they are our paid employees. They'd do well to remember that...