Does rather highlight the delusional nature of many of the Blinkx cheerleaders: here is a company with a share price on its ass, where the (official) news flow has all but dried up, whose CEO seems happy to tell the world about the company's bright future in interview after interview but won't release any hard data to back up his assertions - and yet some shareholders have so drunk the Blinkx Kool Aid that they don't question any of it...
pengvin - 12 Feb'09 - 11:02 - 1543 of 1545
Here's the annoying thing
If you hold stock here and are frustrated at the sp performance and challenge why it is happening you get f***wits like conk who assume [incorrectly] that you want the sp lower to buy some.
You may want to wipe the delusion away from your eyes otherwise you may be very poor very quickly.
Investment needs an objective view,getting 'loved up' with a stock is spoiling for problems.
conk - 12 Feb'09 - 11:10 - 1544 of 1545
pengvin,, this f***wit as you wish to call me is more than happy with the way things are going with blinkx.and i feel sure you want sp lower than at present but hey who cares.i can wait and will.can you! if not just carry on whinging i am sure you may get a few more to sell up,but not that many..
pengvin - 12 Feb'09 - 11:14 - 1545 of 1545
Exactly what I mean.f***wit of the highest order
People aren't positive about blnx ergo they are derampers.
What an extremely niaive way of looking at things.
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