Monday, 12 January 2009

Five questions for Blinkx management to answer

1/ if the company has such a bright future, why is not the company itself or its officers buying shares at current prices which are, after all, around 25% of the price they charged investors at the IPO?

2/ just what exactly is the situation with Miva? why have blinkx not given a firm date for acceptance of rejection of their offer (if indeed a formal offer exists)? why are they so determined to appear amateur and create uncertainty around blinkx's position and its management's competence?

3/ why do they not RNS significant news/deals (like Utarget.Fox), and instead we get meaningless RNSs like 'Christmas is coming'

4/ why ask for authority to conduct a share buyback and then not actually perform one?

5/ given the obvious potential that blinkx has, and the constant stream of announcements of apparently very positive news such as un-roll, why isn't anybody in the market buying blinkx? don't they know what we know? or what do they know that we don't?...

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